Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We Need Better Education to Train People for New Jobs

It is interesting that in the United States, all the politicians tell us that they are going to help provide more jobs for Americans. The first thing they point to is the notion that Americans are not qualified and trained, or educated properly for the new jobs in the new era of our growing economy and fast-paced innovative world. The reality is there is always new innovation, and the jobs do change, and therefore the training must also change. What bothers me about these podium pushing politicians that get up there and tell us these things, is that to pay for this, they wish to raise our taxes.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to pay anymore taxes, and I don't like the inefficient way that our state and federal government runs its affairs. It's a bloated bureaucracy and it is highly inefficient. Maybe the government needs to go back to training, and maybe the politicians need to get a life. Secondly, and I have another comment, and this one is more serious. Do you know why politicians whether Republican or Democrat always claim that the problem is education, and to get more jobs, we need more money in education?

It's simple, because the teachers unions are supported by the Democrats. And many of the corporations support the Republicans. The corporations would love to have all of their labor pre-trained and ready to work the day they start. And they would love for someone else to do it. The teachers of course would like to have lots of work, guarantee employment, and excellent benefits.

Today, we spend more money per child in education than any other country in the world. Yes, we have one of the best educational systems around the globe, but as far as costs are concerned, we aren't doing it as efficiently as we should.

Maybe we need to train ourselves to be more efficient, rather than training employees to be more prepared to go to work in future corporations, at the expense of the taxpayer. You see, it is corporate welfare to train people for vocational jobs, and to train them for anything more than the bare minimum needed to work in these corporations. And what about the small businesses pay so much in taxes, so that education can train people to work for their corporate competitors, thus, limiting the labor supply and causing a hardship for them?

Further, it is totally unfortunate to keep raising tuition costs on college students, making an economically enslaved the day they graduate, meaning they will be loyal employees at those corporations, because they can't leave.

One of the problems in modern corporations today is that the labor force moves from job to job too quickly, the average person changes jobs every 2.3 years. The corporations would like to keep them longer, although they tend to lay them off, when they are no longer needed during the business cycle downturn, or to improve their stock price. If corporations want employees better trained to do those jobs, then they need to be the ones paying for it.

Next, we need competition in education, and no more free rides. Further, the federal government needs to get out of the education business, and stop telling communities in school districts how to teach. If the federal government knew how to teach people how to do things, that they wouldn't be so screwed up themselves - are you starting to see my point? If anyone in the world, and I'm talking anyone on the Internet has a problem with what I'm saying, you may shoot me an e-mail, but be sure to come with your facts and research, because I have mine, and it is solid as a rock.

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